Friday, February 5, 2010

Sour face lemonade
1 c. lemon juice
4 c. water
1 c. of sugar

Squeeze lemons using a juicer, strain out seeds. Mix everything into a pitcher and make sour puss faces as you drink. Yummy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

For Christmas my oldest son Garrett asked for a cookbook. We looked everywhere and everything for cooking is geared to girls. I was really disappointed to say the least. A few days after Christmas Garrett said "Mom how come I didn't get a cookbook for Christmas? I really wanted one". I explained to him that there aren't really any cookbooks for boys. His ideas was that we should create some recipes for boys and make a cookbook. Well I am a blogging fool so instead of a cookbook we are starting a blog. Our goal is to create fun, inexpensive, and easy recipes for kids but even more specifically boys!So look in the next few days for some of recipes created just for you by Garrett and I.
Ali and the boys